About Hawaii ManoH Man
Hawaii ManoH Man is a private club for nudist men that provides a venue for members to enjoy the company of other like-minded men.
It's pre-cursor, ManoH, was founded in 1981. The name ManoH is an acronym for “Males au natural of Hawaii”.
Hawaii ManoH Man is dependent on members who volunteer to host events. Event proceeds are shared with hosts to cover the costs associated with hosting an event and are also used to pay for costs associated with event invitations, ticketing, legal fees, maintaining this website and domain registrations, as well as data storage, organization and maintenance.
On occasion and when proceeds allow, distributions are made to local LGBTQ non-profit organizations.
Hawaii ManoH Man is entirely run by unpaid volunteers.
Hawaii ManoH Man Mission Statement
To provide a safe space for the gathering, connecting, interacting and bonding of nude men in private venues. To encourage the freedom of thought, the freedom from clothing and the expression of one’s self in a gracious, affirming and private space. Hawaii ManoH Man is open to all men 21 years of age and older, of all sizes, races, and weights. You don’t have to be gay, just gay friendly. We ask only that everyone conduct themselves in accordance with the information and rules below.
Hawaii ManoH Man is continually growing and enjoys a thriving, active membership. New members are always welcome! As much fun as our events are, we still have some rules to help make sure that everything goes smoothly and everyone treats each other with respect. Please read the RULES PAGE to familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines. After reading them all, if you agree to abide by the rules, then head to the MEMBERSHIP PAGE and complete the “I Want To Join” application. That’s all there is to it! Once ManoH has reviewed your completed application and paid the $20 Annual Dues, you will be contacted by email to inform you of your membership status.
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** Privacy is expected and protected in ManoH. We keep a firm grip on our members, so rest assured that our membership list is never shared with or sold to anyone. What goes on at ManoH events is private and we expect our members to keep it that way.
Hawaii ManoH Man is a nudist group, first and foremost. Nudity is required at all Hawaii ManoH Man events. No exceptions.