Hawaii Manoh Man Events
If you are a current member and want to continue receiving Hawaii ManoH Man event invitations, DO NOT unsubscribe from Eventbrite!
Instead, do the following:
Log into your Eventbrite account. Then go to Account Settings.
Go to Email Preferences.
Choose the emails you want to receive. Check the boxes next to the emails you want to receive. Leave the emails you do not want to receive unchecked. ...
Save Preferences.
As a final step, please make sure that noreply@campaign.eventbrite.com is in your email "Safe Sender" list.
First Event of 2025--February 1st
The first event of 2025 will be held on Saturday, February 1st in Waikiki. Invitations will be sent to all current 2025 members on January 16th at noon.This event will sell out extremely fast. If you haven't paid membership dues for 2025 yet, you might want to take care of that PDQ! Only members who have paid dues for 2025 will receive an invitation.
Bed Lizards
Don't be a Bed Lizard. Play spaces (beds and slings) are in short supply. Please do not occupy the beds and slings if you are not actively engaged with another person. Play space is too limited for solo individuals to just spread out on the beds and watch. We have received many complaints lately that individuals are monopolizing the play spaces. If you aren't actively engaged in play with someone, please be courteous and give up your space so that others may play.
Update Your Calendar!
We have finalized dates for the next three Hawaii ManoH Man events!
************OUR FINAL EVENT WILL BE DECEMBER 14th. Invitations have already been sent to all members.
They are as follows:
Saturday August 17th
Saturday October 12th
Saturday November 16th
All events will be held in and around the Honolulu/Waikiki area
AUGUST 17th! Come Out And Play!
August 17th is our next event, so put it on your calendar, tell your friends, book your airfare, do whatever you need to do to make sure you can make it! There's gonna be great food, naked men, new friends, old friends and a few surprises. You're gonna love it! Invitations will be sent on August 1st, so keep your eyes on your email inbox. If you have friends who have thought about joining, now is the time! It's going to be a ball or two to remember and it WILL sell out!
JUNE 15th!
Mark your calendars for the next Hawaii ManoH Man event!!!
This event will be held in central Waikiki. You guys loved the location so much that we are going back again! Super special thanks to one of Hawaii ManoH Man's amazing board members for doing the detail work to secure the awesome space where this event will be held! When we say awesome, we mean it! Invitations will be sent out on May 30th, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox!!!
Cinco de Mayo
Only a few tickets are left for tomorrow night's event! If you want to attend, you better grab a ticket quickly before they are gone and you're left only holding your chalupa!
Invitations to Hawaii ManoH Man's Cinco de Mayo event will be sent out on Thursday, April 18th. This will be one of the larger events this year, so make sure to keep an eye on your email inbox because this one will definitely sell out! Food will be provided, but please bring your beverage of choice, as well as an appetite for naked fun!
March 30 event****SOLD OUT!!!****
Hawaii ManoH Man's Spring Fling SOLD OUT!!! This event still has members talking about it, more than a few weeks after it happened! It was THAT awesome!!! If you aren't already a member and would like to receive invitations to future Hawaii ManoH Man events, now is the time to sign up!
If you received an unexpected refund of your annual dues payment from EventBrite, we apologize, as it was out of our control. However, if you received the refund, then you are no longer on the membership list and will need to follow the PayPal link that was sent to the email address that Hawaii ManoH Man has on file for you. You MUST pay annual dues via the PayPal link we sent you. You will not receive any further invitations to events until you do.
Trust us, the March event is going to be a blast. Don't miss out!
Hawaii ManoH Man's February 10th Mardi Gras event has cum and gone!!! It was a great time, with an amazing N'awlins-inspired buffet that our event host so graciously provided! Roughly 70 men shared in the fun, food and friendship. If you weren't there, you really missed out on a great time! Keep an eye out for our next event coming soon!
***Hawaii ManoH Man is making some changes for 2024***
Hawaii ManoH Man is switching to dues-based membership beginning in 2024. Dues for 2024 are $20-which is currently the same cost as our events.
ALL PAST MEMBERS, as well as new members, MUST completely fill out an application form, making sure to include ALL required information, as well as a current, unobstructed face photo-no hats, no sunglasses, no masks, no camera obscuring your face, etc.
Gentle Reminder:
Each member may only purchase ONE ticket. It must be for themselves and it MUST be from the email account that received the invitation. Anyone caught sharing an invitation link code or using a code that was not assigned to them may be removed from the membership roster, at the discretion of the board of directors.
Hawaii ManoH Man's Massive Holiday Blowout SOLD OUT!
If you didn't attend Hawaii ManoH Man's Massive Holiday Blowout, you really missed out on a fantastic evening. One hundred and fifteen men attended the event that was beautifully catered by our host. The setting was incredible and filled with new friends, old friends and everything in between. The highlights were too numerous to mention in such a short space!
If you had a good time at this event, you definitely won't want to miss our next event in February 2024, so make sure to keep an eye out for our membership email that will detail how to remain a member for 2024!
December Massive Holiday Blowout
Tickets are almost sold out and you don't want to miss ManoH's Massive Holiday Blowout. It is always the highlight of the ManoH year and this year it will prove to be bigger than you've dreamed--and we know you've all dreamed of some really, really big things! For this Holiday Blowout, our amazingly gracious host will also be providing food and bar (except beer) for everyone! If you've been good this year, Santa has already sent you an invitation, so check your email box and remember that invitation link codes are not transferable, so do not share your invitation code with anyone, for any reason. Each member may only purchase one ticket and it must be for themself.
Honolulu Pride Special EvenT
Hawaii ManoH Man is excited to announce a special Honolulu Pride event this October! It's going to be held at a fabulous new location. Invitations to register for tickets will be emailed to all members roughly two weeks before the event, so get ready for an incredibly fun evening, right in the middle of Pride weekend!
Honolulu Pride is right around the corner, so if you aren't already a member of ManoH, NOW is the time to hit that "Membership" link and send in your application.
September Hard Labor Day:
Labor Day Weekend was definitely Hard Labor!!! There was a high turnout of members who were ready for a good time and they certainly were not disappointed! New friends, old friends and everything in between, there was something for everyone and a good time was had by all who attended. We had a lot of cookies at this event, too, so a lot of guys went home with baked goods, as well! A big huge Mahalo to our host, John, who always throws an amazing party!
July Summer Fun:
July's ManoH Summer Fun event was a big hit. Our gracious host was able to secure a new venue for this event and the unanimous conclusion from all attendees was that it was a big thumbs up! If you didn't get a ticket for this event, we hope you will join us at our September Hard Labor Day event!
Starting in July, EVERY attendee at each ManoH event will be required to agree to the ManoH Terms & Conditions, as listed on the ticket registration. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event. This is non-negotiable and there is no "wiggle room".
April Spring Fling:
Spring Fling was an absolute blast! Overwhelmingly, there was noting but positive feedback about the new venue layout, accessibility and more. ManoH will definitely be utilizing this venue again in the future! Thanks to all who showed up, to those who brought a snack to share and who helped to keep things running smoothly. To those of you who were unable to get a space before it reached capacity, rest assured that there will be more events coming up, so stay tuned!
April 2023:
You all must be hungry for fun! Spring Fling reached capacity in less than two days!
The board of ManoH recently met to discuss the Monkeypox situation here in Hawaii and to determine a path forward for future ManoH events.
ManoH has closely followed this public health situation and has made the determination that MPox vaccination will no longer be required for admittance to ManoH events.
As always, members are highly encouraged to undergo regular STI screenings both before and after every ManoH event, as well as to maintain a regular testing schedule.
For those members who chose to get vaccinated during the MPox crisis, ManoH thanks you and applauds the role you’ve played in keeping our community as safe as possible.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at an upcoming ManoH event!
March 2023:
March came in like a lion and went out like, well, really, who cares? Where are the naked men? Not to worry! ManoH has you covered, so keep your eyes on your email inbox for an upcoming event in April! Don't forget to Check out ManoH on Twitter. You can find the link at the bottom of this page.
February 2023:
February came and went. It will be missed, but only because ManoH's Valentine's event--Long Stems & Rose Buds-- was so much fun! Our favorite host in Waikiki didn't let anyone down! A friendly group of guys showed up for what turned out to be a fun evening of naked men, food, drinks and well...you can let your mind wander about the rest. Close to 45 men attending the event and no one left feeling like Cupid had forgotten them. Keep your eyes out for ManoH's next event in April.
January 2023:
Happy New Year to you all! Hope you had a safe and happy holiday season! As we get 2023 underway, keep your eye out for upcoming events this winter and spring! The kick-off event for 2023 will be ManoH's upcoming Valentine's event, to be held on the Ewa side of Waikiki on February 11th. As soon as the invitations were sent out, a majority of the spaces were snatched up, so if you are thinking you *might* want to go, NOW is the time to click on that link in your email and grab a ticket! It promises to be an amazingly fun night of Long Stems & Rose Buds! Hope to see you there!
December 2022 Update:
December's ManoH Holiday event came and went! Everyone had an awesome time meeting new friends, seeing old friends and just generally having fun! That's what it's all about! If you haven't been to a ManoH event, yet, what are you waiting for? Join us!
ManoH wishes everyone Happy Holidays! Looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year when we will have some more fun-filled events planned! Stay safe out there and enjoy the magic of the season!
November 2022 Update #1:
ManoH's Pre-Thanksgiving Stuffing event was an off the hook, fun-filled night! A great mix of new faces and familiar faces all hanging out and having a great time-- exactly how it's supposed to be! The event was sold out and filled to capacity and the guys are already asking about the next event!
Speaking of "Next Event", ManoH is planning a December event, as we type this! It's gonna be BIG. It's gonna be BEAUTIFUL and you're gonna LOVE IT! This event will take place at one of ManoH members' favorite large venues and it promises to be a very sold out, very large crowd!
It's gonna come up fast, so if you aren't already a member of ManoH, NOW is the time to hit that "Membership" link and send in your application.
And remember, you MUST be vaccinated against Monkeypox in order to attend any ManoH event.
October 2022 Update:
Keep your eye out for an invitation to ManoH's November Pre-Thanksgiving Stuffing Event coming soon to your email inbox! Invitations will be sent to all members at the same time.
September 2022 Update:
Throughout the entire Covid-19 pandemic, ManoH’s primary focus has been the health and well-being of all members. The board has closely followed all public health advisories at both the state and national levels and when it has been relatively safe to hold an event, ManoH has done so. The board has consistently erred on the side of caution, following the old adage of “Better safe than sorry.”
ManoH is extremely mindful of the multiple ongoing health crises and in both considering feedback from ManoH hosts and in an effort to lower the risk to event attendees, the board has made the determination that ManoH events will now require ALL attendees to be fully vaccinated for Monkeypox.
All attendees will be required to show original proof of a fully-completed course of Monkeypox vaccination, at the door, before being allowed to enter any event.
Any attendee who has not completed the full course of vaccination for Monkeypox—full course means last dose no less than two weeks (14 days) prior to any ManoH event— or who cannot provide original proof of complete vaccination, will be denied entry to the event.
DO NOT purchase a ticket to any ManoH event if you will be unable to provide original proof of vaccination at the door.
“Original proof of vaccination” is the paper vaccination card from DOH or your local provider OR a "real-time on-screen" display of your Kaiser or MyChart app's vaccination chart.
"Real-time on-screen" display means you must open your provider's Kaiser or MyChart app on your phone and display the vaccination chart to the ManoH check-in person at the door.
As always, there are NO REFUNDS for ManoH events.
To find a vaccination site near you:
August 2022 Update:
There is much concern about Monkeypox and where/when to get vaccinated.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health has received its allocation of JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine from the Strategic National Stockpile and will continue to receive allocations as supply becomes available.
Demand is expected to outpace Hawaii’s extremely limited supply, and DOH is currently offering the vaccine to those at the highest risk of being exposed to mitigate the spread of monkeypox.
People who are currently eligible for the JYNNEOS vaccine include Hawaiʻi residents 18 and older who meet one of the following criteria:
Contact to a confirmed case(s): Direct contact with a person with a monkeypox infection in the last 14 days
Post exposure prophylaxis: Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender individuals with high risk intimate contact in the last 14 days in venues (sex-on-premises events, bathhouses, sex clubs, or sex workers)or area (including Hawaiʻi) where monkeypox is known to be spreading.
Eligibility criteria may expand as more doses of the vaccine become available from the federal government.
Sign up for appointments at:
or call (808) 586-4462
July 2022 Update:
We LOOOOVE that so many members and their members are excited and looking forward to another event, but our volunteers ask that you please refrain from emailing ManoH to ask when the next event will be held. Scheduling events is entirely dependent on host availability AND the current public health situation. ManoH takes your health and safety seriously.
Rest assured that once the next event is scheduled, ALL members will receive an email invitation roughly 10-12 days before the event.
Mahalo nui for your kokua!
ManoH is now on Twitter! Click the button at the bottom of the page to follow us for news, updates and really hot men!!!
June 2022 Update:
ManoH held an amazingly fun and capacity-filled event on May 28.
Both the venue and the host were incredible, as always. This host's events have proven to be one of ManoH’s all-time favorites and always reach capacity quickly!
All members will receive an invitation to the next event once it is scheduled.
April 25, 2022 Update:
A good time was had by all at the WELCOME BACK PARTY in WAIKIKI. New very qualified and motivated men are now ManoH core volunteers. Hosts are also ready to share their homes and resources for events to be planned soon.
All ManoH members will receive an invitation by email when the next event is available. We love showing all of you a great time and look forward to many more fun events in the future.
Age 21+ male visitors, residents and military are welcome at ManoH events.
Event tickets include an event membership fee and are sold on a
first come, first served basis until the event is full.
Please click on the "Attend Event" button in the event email that all members receive for each event.
Event check-in with government issued photo ID is required.
Mahalo for your kokua! Hope to see you there!
Not a member and want to join? Visit the Manoh Membership Form.
If you are a member and want to continue receiving Hawaii ManoH Man event invitations, DO NOT unsubscribe from Eventbrite!
Instead, do the following:
Log into your Eventbrite account. Then go to Account Settings.
Go to Email Preferences.
Choose the emails you want to receive. Check the boxes next to the emails you want to receive. Leave the emails you do not want to receive unchecked. ...
Save Preferences.
Hawaii ManoH Man's February 10th Mardi Gras event invitations have been sent to all current members. If you aren't already a member and want to attend, make sure to send in your application asap. If you enjoyed the December event, you won't want to miss this one!
***Hawaii ManoH Man is making some changes for 2024***
Hawaii ManoH Man is switching to dues-based membership beginning in 2024. Please keep an eye on your email box in December for important information regarding these changes.
If you are a current member who wishes to remain a member of Hawaii ManoH Man and continue receiving invitations to events, it is imperative that you follow the instructions contained in that email.
If you would like to join Hawaii ManoH Man for the first time, please read the rules page and then head over to the Membership page and fill out the membership application, being sure to include all required information.
Gentle Reminder:
Each member may only purchase ONE ticket. It must be for themselves and it MUST be from the email account that received the invitation. Anyone caught sharing an invitation link code or using a code that was not assigned to them may be removed from the membership roster, at the discretion of the board of directors.
Hawaii ManoH Man's Massive Holiday Blowout SOLD OUT!
If you didn't attend Hawaii ManoH Man's Massive Holiday Blowout, you really missed out on a fantastic evening. One hundred and fifteen men attended the event that was beautifully catered by our host. The setting was incredible and filled with new friends, old friends and everything in between. The highlights were too numerous to mention in such a short space!
If you had a good time at this event, you definitely won't want to miss our next event in early 2024, so make sure to keep an eye out for our membership email that will detail how to remain a member for 2024!
December Massive Holiday Blowout
Tickets are almost sold out and you don't want to miss ManoH's Massive Holiday Blowout. It is always the highlight of the ManoH year and this year it will prove to be bigger than you've dreamed--and we know you've all dreamed of some really, really big things! For this Holiday Blowout, our amazingly gracious host will also be providing food and bar (except beer) for everyone! If you've been good this year, Santa has already sent you an invitation, so check your email box and remember that invitation link codes are not transferable, so do not share your invitation code with anyone, for any reason. Each member may only purchase one ticket and it must be for themself.
*!*!*!*!*!*!Honolulu Pride Special Event*!*!*!*!*!*!
Hawaii ManoH Man is excited to announce a special Honolulu Pride event this October! It's going to be held at a fabulous new location. Invitations to register for tickets will be emailed to all members roughly two weeks before the event, so get ready for an incredibly fun evening, right in the middle of Pride weekend!
Honolulu Pride is right around the corner, so if you aren't already a member of ManoH, NOW is the time to hit that "Membership" link and send in your application.
September Hard Labor Day:
Labor Day Weekend was definitely Hard Labor!!! There was a high turnout of members who were ready for a good time and they certainly were not disappointed! New friends, old friends and everything in between, there was something for everyone and a good time was had by all who attended. We had a lot of cookies at this event, too, so a lot of guys went home with baked goods, as well! A big huge Mahalo to our host, John, who always throws an amazing party!
July Summer Fun:
July's ManoH Summer Fun event was a big hit. Our gracious host was able to secure a new venue for this event and the unanimous conclusion from all attendees was that it was a big thumbs up! If you didn't get a ticket for this event, we hope you will join us at our September Hard Labor Day event!
Starting in July, EVERY attendee at each ManoH event will be required to agree to the ManoH Terms & Conditions, as listed on the ticket registration. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event. This is non-negotiable and there is no "wiggle room".
April Spring Fling:
Spring Fling was an absolute blast! Overwhelmingly, there was noting but positive feedback about the new venue layout, accessibility and more. ManoH will definitely be utilizing this venue again in the future! Thanks to all who showed up, to those who brought a snack to share and who helped to keep things running smoothly. To those of you who were unable to get a space before it reached capacity, rest assured that there will be more events coming up, so stay tuned!
April 2023:
You all must be hungry for fun! Spring Fling reached capacity in less than two days!
The board of ManoH recently met to discuss the Monkeypox situation here in Hawaii and to determine a path forward for future ManoH events.
ManoH has closely followed this public health situation and has made the determination that MPox vaccination will no longer be required for admittance to ManoH events.
As always, members are highly encouraged to undergo regular STI screenings both before and after every ManoH event, as well as to maintain a regular testing schedule.
For those members who chose to get vaccinated during the MPox crisis, ManoH thanks you and applauds the role you’ve played in keeping our community as safe as possible.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at an upcoming ManoH event!
March 2023:
March came in like a lion and went out like, well, really, who cares? Where are the naked men? Not to worry! ManoH has you covered, so keep your eyes on your email inbox for an upcoming event in April! Don't forget to Check out ManoH on Twitter. You can find the link at the bottom of this page.
February 2023:
February came and went. It will be missed, but only because ManoH's Valentine's event--Long Stems & Rose Buds-- was so much fun! Our favorite host in Waikiki didn't let anyone down! A friendly group of guys showed up for what turned out to be a fun evening of naked men, food, drinks and well...you can let your mind wander about the rest. Close to 45 men attending the event and no one left feeling like Cupid had forgotten them. Keep your eyes out for ManoH's next event in April.
January 2023:
Happy New Year to you all! Hope you had a safe and happy holiday season! As we get 2023 underway, keep your eye out for upcoming events this winter and spring! The kick-off event for 2023 will be ManoH's upcoming Valentine's event, to be held on the Ewa side of Waikiki on February 11th. As soon as the invitations were sent out, a majority of the spaces were snatched up, so if you are thinking you *might* want to go, NOW is the time to click on that link in your email and grab a ticket! It promises to be an amazingly fun night of Long Stems & Rose Buds! Hope to see you there!
December 2022 Update:
December's ManoH Holiday event came and went! Everyone had an awesome time meeting new friends, seeing old friends and just generally having fun! That's what it's all about! If you haven't been to a ManoH event, yet, what are you waiting for? Join us!
ManoH wishes everyone Happy Holidays! Looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year when we will have some more fun-filled events planned! Stay safe out there and enjoy the magic of the season!
November 2022 Update #1:
ManoH's Pre-Thanksgiving Stuffing event was an off the hook, fun-filled night! A great mix of new faces and familiar faces all hanging out and having a great time-- exactly how it's supposed to be! The event was sold out and filled to capacity and the guys are already asking about the next event!
Speaking of "Next Event", ManoH is planning a December event, as we type this! It's gonna be BIG. It's gonna be BEAUTIFUL and you're gonna LOVE IT! This event will take place at one of ManoH members' favorite large venues and it promises to be a very sold out, very large crowd!
It's gonna come up fast, so if you aren't already a member of ManoH, NOW is the time to hit that "Membership" link and send in your application.
And remember, you MUST be vaccinated against Monkeypox in order to attend any ManoH event.
October 2022 Update:
Keep your eye out for an invitation to ManoH's November Pre-Thanksgiving Stuffing Event coming soon to your email inbox! Invitations will be sent to all members at the same time.
September 2022 Update:
Throughout the entire Covid-19 pandemic, ManoH’s primary focus has been the health and well-being of all members. The board has closely followed all public health advisories at both the state and national levels and when it has been relatively safe to hold an event, ManoH has done so. The board has consistently erred on the side of caution, following the old adage of “Better safe than sorry.”
ManoH is extremely mindful of the multiple ongoing health crises and in both considering feedback from ManoH hosts and in an effort to lower the risk to event attendees, the board has made the determination that ManoH events will now require ALL attendees to be fully vaccinated for Monkeypox.
All attendees will be required to show original proof of a fully-completed course of Monkeypox vaccination, at the door, before being allowed to enter any event.
Any attendee who has not completed the full course of vaccination for Monkeypox—full course means last dose no less than two weeks (14 days) prior to any ManoH event— or who cannot provide original proof of complete vaccination, will be denied entry to the event.
DO NOT purchase a ticket to any ManoH event if you will be unable to provide original proof of vaccination at the door.
“Original proof of vaccination” is the paper vaccination card from DOH or your local provider OR a "real-time on-screen" display of your Kaiser or MyChart app's vaccination chart.
"Real-time on-screen" display means you must open your provider's Kaiser or MyChart app on your phone and display the vaccination chart to the ManoH check-in person at the door.
As always, there are NO REFUNDS for ManoH events.
To find a vaccination site near you:
August 2022 Update:
There is much concern about Monkeypox and where/when to get vaccinated.
The Hawaiʻi Department of Health has received its allocation of JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine from the Strategic National Stockpile and will continue to receive allocations as supply becomes available.
Demand is expected to outpace Hawaii’s extremely limited supply, and DOH is currently offering the vaccine to those at the highest risk of being exposed to mitigate the spread of monkeypox.
People who are currently eligible for the JYNNEOS vaccine include Hawaiʻi residents 18 and older who meet one of the following criteria:
Contact to a confirmed case(s): Direct contact with a person with a monkeypox infection in the last 14 days
Post exposure prophylaxis: Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender individuals with high risk intimate contact in the last 14 days in venues (sex-on-premises events, bathhouses, sex clubs, or sex workers)or area (including Hawaiʻi) where monkeypox is known to be spreading.
Eligibility criteria may expand as more doses of the vaccine become available from the federal government.
Sign up for appointments at:
or call (808) 586-4462
July 2022 Update:
We LOOOOVE that so many members and their members are excited and looking forward to another event, but our volunteers ask that you please refrain from emailing ManoH to ask when the next event will be held. Scheduling events is entirely dependent on host availability AND the current public health situation. ManoH takes your health and safety seriously.
Rest assured that once the next event is scheduled, ALL members will receive an email invitation roughly 10-12 days before the event.
Mahalo nui for your kokua!
ManoH is now on Twitter! Click the button at the bottom of the page to follow us for news, updates and really hot men!!!
June 2022 Update:
ManoH held an amazingly fun and capacity-filled event on May 28.
Both the venue and the host were incredible, as always. This host's events have proven to be one of ManoH’s all-time favorites and always reach capacity quickly!
All members will receive an invitation to the next event once it is scheduled.
April 25, 2022 Update:
A good time was had by all at the WELCOME BACK PARTY in WAIKIKI. New very qualified and motivated men are now ManoH core volunteers. Hosts are also ready to share their homes and resources for events to be planned soon.
All ManoH members will receive an invitation by email when the next event is available. We love showing all of you a great time and look forward to many more fun events in the future.